In the final months of life, it is often the case that more intensive care is required. We will assist with this. Our aim is to bring value to every day. We will do whatever we can to bring happiness into this difficult period. We will support the family as well as the client to the best of our ability.
Frequently Asked Questions
How will I be best cared for during this period?
We understand this is a difficult period that requires the utmost care and empathy. Our aim is to bring happiness and value into every day. We will work in partnership with other healthcare professionals to ensure a clear care plan is in place to care for your needs during this challenging time.
How will my family be supported through this difficult time?
Didcot Home Care will provide support and guidance through this period to your family by showing regular reviews and updates with your care. We will ensure that we enable care practitioners to work in a multidisciplinary team to provide high-quality, person centred care and to ensure your family are supported, kept informed, enabled and empowered throughout this period.
Can I make decisions about my wishes and preferences in my end of life care plan?
Our Care Manager and carers will ensure that you are offered opportunities to discuss your wishes, needs and preferences with us and existing treatment plans with your GP or other healthcare professionals. These discussions can also include family members if you prefer. These discussions will include any changes that could optimise care and improve your quality of life.

Frequently Asked Questions
Read some of our more frequently asked questions below.
What happens on weekends and bank holidays?
jackknowles2024-03-04T13:02:37+00:00Our services are provided 24/7, 365 days a year so you can be reassured that you will receive care all year round from a team of well-matched carers to best suit your needs and wishes.
What happens in a medical emergency? Will my carer stay with me until help arrives?
jackknowles2024-03-04T13:02:40+00:00Absolutely. Your carer will remain with you at all times to ensure you are cared for during an emergency. If you need to go to the hospital, they will come with you to support you. Your carer will liaise with your family and any other healthcare professionals to make sure everyone is informed of the situation and ensure you have reassurance.
Will I have a regular carer?
jackknowles2024-03-04T13:02:43+00:00Yes. As part of our considered care planning process, we ensure to match a member of our care team that best suits your specific needs, shares similar interests and values to provide consistency and continuity for your care. We will best match other care practitioners who will provide you with care and support when your main carer has holiday to ensure they understand what is important to you and to provide the same level of care.
Contact us today for a free of charge consultation 01235 603858